This Blog will show you how to have internal access to the system once the company has its own server.
1. You have to be at the same network as the computer server (the computer where the system was installed); To check if you are at the same network as the computer, check your IP Address. If your IP Address 3 first combination numbers are the same as the computer server, then you are in the same network. One way to check the IP number is by opening your computer’s Command Prompt and type IPconfig.
To open Command Prompt
Click Start Windows button and type Prompt – Click on Command Prompt:
To check your IP Address
Type IPConfig on Command Prompt and check the IP number line.
2. Do this on your computer and also on the computer’s server. Remember, if you see that all 3 first numbers combination are the same, it means you are on the same network.
3. Open your web browser (we recommend Chrome) and type your address to access your internal system which usually is localhost:7000 or IP server number:7000.
In case of doubts, don’t hesitate in contacting us, please call us at +1 805 768-4850 (also Whatsapp), use our chat, our skype: Webgerencial or our email:
If you still don’t have your external access address (outside the company) please contact our support team to check if it can be provided.