To register an employee at Backoffice, access this path File->Team.
Press the ADD NEW button and fill out the employee’s information. Below the Full Name field, note that there are several tabs, each one with a specific information.
You can add Personal information such as:
SSN – Social Security Number;
Driver License
DOB – Date of Birthday
You also can add Price Level Information:
Price Level – It is possible to create differentiated prices for each employee when sales are made. Just create a Price Level and select here in the employee’s registration. You can follow those steps at this blog:
Below, there are several tabs to register employee’s information:
1 – Details Tab
Note: If you wish, you can put a note as a future reminder. (Attention – the employee will have access to this information if the employee is given a login and password to access the Backoffice);
E-mail: If the employee loses the password and has to reset, in this case, the new password will arrive in the email registered in that field;
User #: When you fill out the employee’s data and press the SAVE button, an user number is automatically filled by the system. The field is necessary if the employee will use Point Of Sale (POS), in this case, a PIN needs to be registered;
Pin: After the USER # appears, simply press the EDIT button and create a PIN for the employee. This field is mandatory for the employee to use Point Of Sale (POS);
Enroll finger: To register the employee’s fingerprint for the users that have a biometric device, previously installed on the computer, simply press and the system will register the employee’s fingerprint;
Login: If the employee has access to Backoffice, this field is required. Choose a login for the employee. Note: It is necessary to register Password and E-mail in the Details tab;
Password: Register the password to access the Backoffice. The password needs:
– Contain at least 8 characters
– Contain at least one number (0123456789)
– Contain at least one special character (@ # $% ^ & * () + =;) !.
– Contain at least one uppercase character (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXZW)
– Contain at least one lowercase character (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxzw)
Confirm Password – Confirm the password previously entered;
2 – Address Tab
To register the employee’s address.
3 – Indicators Tab
They are reports that can be registered to be checked by the employee.
There are some pre-registered reports in the system, however, our programming department may create a new report catered to your needs.
After clicking the INSERT button, just click at the INDICATOR BLANK SPACE FIELD and choose the indicator you want:
Administration Dashboard: A Summary of Accounts Payable: past due, future, and total; Accounts receivable: past due, future, and total; Pending Invoices (sales); Monthly and Annual Sales (accumulated);
Financial – Accounts Receivable (2 days): Displays accounts receivable within 2 days;
Financial Accounts Receivable (Next day): Displays accounts receivable for the next day;
Financial Accounts Receivable (Past due Balance): Displays a report of accounts receivable past due;
Financial- Customer Balances: Displays a customer account report;
Inventory- Inventory by Group: Displays an inventory report by Group;
Inventory- Inventory by Product: Displays an inventory report by Products;
Sales- Daily sales by employee: Displays a sales report per Employee;
Sales- Daily sales by group: Displays a sales report by Group;
Sales- Daily sales by product: Displays a sales report by Product;
Sales- Today sales by terminal: Displays a sales report by Terminal;
SUN-MON-TUE-WED-THU-FRY-SAT: After selecting the indicator, choose the days of the week you want the indicator by selecting YES or NO in the fields of the day you want;
Time: Choose the time you want the report to be issued;
Home: Select YES or NO If you want the indicator to appear when you log in to the system;
E-mail: Select YES or NO If you want to receive in the email registered in the tab DETAIL;
4 – E-mail tab
If you want to add a footer or signature to the employee’s e-mail.
5 – Usage Tab
Shows a log with the employee’s access to the system.
6 – Permissions Tab
This tab gives time frames that the employee can access the system;
* Customers: Access the Customers function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Items
** Products and Services: Access to Products and Services, and, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
** Groups: Access the Groups function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
** Price Levels: Access to Price Levels, and, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
** Inventory Locations: Access to the Inventory Locations function, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Vendors: Access to the Vendors function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Team: Access the Team function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Tenders: Access to the Tenders function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Terms: Access to Terms function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Taxes: Access to Taxes function, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Type of Operation: Access to the Type of Operation function, if it is marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Status: Access to the Status function, can, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Shipping: Access to the Shipping function, can, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Fixed Assets (Vehicle-Boat-Airplane): Access to Fixed Assets (Vehicle-Boat-Airplane) function, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Fixed Assets (Equipment): Access to Fixed Assets (Equipment) function;
* Overhead (Fixed Costs): Access to Overhead (Fixed Costs) function, and, if marked, enter General Expenses (Fixed Costs);
* Tips: Access to the Tips function, can, if marked, insert Tips;
* Accessories
** Printers: Access the function Printers, being able, if marked, Delete, Edit or Add New;
* Global: Access to Global function, you can configure Terminals, Configure Company registered in the system, Configure Credit Card Machine and configure the Company name;
* Customer Invoice: Access to the Customer Invoice function, if it is checked, Add New, Edit, Delete, Cancel Post or Post;
* Pending Customer Invoice: Access to the Customer Invoice function, and, if checked, view the Pending Customer Orders;
* Vendors Invoice: Access to the function Vendors Invoice, being able, if marked, Add New, Edit, Delete, Cancel Receive, Approve or Receive;
* Inventory Manager
** Inventory: Access the Inventory function, if it is marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
** Transfers: Access to Transfers function, being able, if marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Services
** Service Orders: Access to the Service Orders function, if it is marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
** Service Orders Report: Access to Service Order Reports;
* Credit Card Batch: Access to Credit Card Batch function, can, if checked, Process Outbound, Cancel Transactions and Display Credit Card Number;
* Chart of Accounts: Access the Chart of Accounts function, if it is checked, the employee will be able to Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Cost Centers: Access to Cost Centers function, and, if marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Customer Payment: Access to the Customer Payment function, if it is marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Bills: Access to Bills function, being able, if marked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Vendors and Bill Payments: Access to the Vendors and Bill Payments function, if it is checked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Transfers between Accounts: Access the function Transfers between Accounts, and, if checked, Add New, Edit or Delete;
* Reports: Access, if marked, to the following reports: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Paid Accounts, Received Accounts, Statement of Accounts, Summary of Accounts;
* Customers
** Statement: Access, if marked, to Customer Statement;
** Client List: Access, if marked, the Customer List;
* Products
** Price List: Access, if marked, the Product Price List;
** Todosys Inventory: Access, if checked, to the Inventory of Products;
** Expiration and Serials: Access, if marked, to the Shelf Life and Serials of the Products;
** Labels: Access, if marked, Product Labels;
** In and Out Transactions: Access, if marked, the Entry and Exit of Products;
** Sales Report: Access, if marked, to the Sales Report;
** Grouped Sales (ABC): Access, if checked, to Grouped Sales Reports (ABC);
* Administrative
** Checkouts: Access, if checked, to Checkouts;
** User Logs: Access, if checked, to User Records;
* Accounting
** Grouped Sales Taxes: Access, if checked, to the Group Sales Tax Report
* Employee
** Tips: Access, if checked, to the Tips report;
** Payroll: Access, if marked, to the Payroll report;
* Updates: Access, if checked, to do UPDATE on the system;
* POS (POINT OF SALE): Access, if checked, to the System Sales Point;
Point of Sale:
* Login: Access, if marked, to log in, in the POS;
* Void Items: Access, if marked, to cancel items, in the POS;
* Void Payments (To Pay): Access, if marked, to cancel payments, in the POS;
* Returns: Access, if marked, to allow register Returns, in the POS;
* Add New Customers: Access, if marked, to include new customers, in the POS;
* Pay: Access, if marked, payable, in the POS;
* To Receive Sale: Access, if marked, the receipt of sales, in the POS;
* Last Sales: Access, if checked, to verify the latest sales, in the POS;
* Open Cash Drawer: Access, if marked, to open the drawer, in the POS;
* Price Levels: Access, if marked, to include Price Levels, in the POS;
* Customer Payment: Access, if checked, to verify Customer Payment, in the POS;
* Start Checkout: Access, if marked, the open Checkouts, in the POS;
* Close Checkout: Access, if marked, to close Checkouts, in the POS;
* Cash In and Out: Access, if marked, to check in and out of cash, in the POS;
* Preview Close Checkout: Access, if marked, to issue the partial closure of Checkout;
* Clock In and Out: Access, if marked, to mark the time, entry and exit, in the POS;
* Merge Tables: Permission, if marked, to join tables in the restaurant, POS function;
* Edit Tables Layout: Permission, if checked, to edit the layout of the tables in the restaurant, function, POS;
* Send: Permission, if marked, to send menu options for printers, POS function;
* Delivery (Driver): Permission, if checked, to determine the employee for delivery of the customer’s order;
* Delivery (Done): Permission, if marked, to give OK when the employee arrives from the delivery of the sales order;
* Cancel this sale (To Pay): Permission, if checked, to Cancel Sales, POS function;
* Total Tips: Permission, if checked, to edit Tips, POS function;
* Credit Card Tips: Permission, if marked, to include Tips on the Credit Card, POS function;
* Void Credit Card Tips: Permission, if applicable, to Cancel Credit Card Tips on the Credit Card, POS function;
7 – Companys Tab
Click on EDIT so that the employee can make changes/access (YES or NO) the companies you selected;
8 – Tasks Tab
This employee can see the tasks of the other users listed below. Click INSERT and in the yellow field type the name of the employee and press FIND. Once you find, double click. To erase, one click on the employee’s name you want to erase and click ERASE. Confirm by choosing YES.
9 – Earnings Tab
For information on employee’s earnings:
Press INSERT and in DESCRIPTION, type a brief description related to the earnings, in AMOUNT type the value you want, example: 1.000 dollars, in FREQUENCY click on the blank field and select how the employee is paid BY HOUR, BY WEEK, BY BIWEEKLY or BY MONTH. In NOTES write a note of your choice.
10 – Documents Tab
You can attach any document you want by clicking on UPLOAD FILE, press on CHOOSE FILE and look for to where the document is in your computer, after finding the path, two clicks on the file and press UPLOAD. The document will remain on this tab.
11 – NOTES
If you want to write a reminder about this employee just press INSERT and ASSIGNED TO choose someone from the team, just type the first letter and then press the space bar, the name of the employee will be displayed if registered, just select it. In STATUS click on the blank space and the registered statuses will be displayed, select what you want. On DUE DATE click on the calendar displayed and choose a date. In the NOTES field, write a note of your choice.