Use this Function to Cancel Sales.
Perform a negative Sale of the previous sale you want to cancel. Go to the POS (Point of Sale) screen and follow the steps below:
1) If you haven’t performed Start Checkout, please do according to the following link :
Start registering the same sale you want to cancel.
2) Please select any empty table to start the negative sale.
3) Select the number of Guests ( just to proceed to the next step);
4) Select the Group (like the sale you wish to cancel);
5) Select the products ( they will return to inventory as soon as you cancel the sale);
5.1) Click and hold on top of the product name until a window pops up:
6) Type the quantity and then press the ” – ” (minus symbol). The quantity must be negative. Then proceed like a normal sale. Click For Here;
7) Click total;
8) Select the original payment method. If you are canceling a sale that previously was made by Cash, select CASH as payment. If you are canceling a sale that previously was made by Credit Card, select Credit Card as payment. IMPORTANT: If you select Credit Card remember that you must have the Credit Card of the client to swipe at the Credit Card Machine.
9) Cancel had been performed: